Please Join the IIFA!

Why don’t you join us and share your talent and hobbies with us?
Please contact the office for application by E-mail & phone.
Benefits for Members
Information on IIFA sponsored events will be provided.
Annual membership fee
●Individual Member
- Citizen 2,000yen
- Family 1,000yen
- Student 1,000yen
●Corporate/Group Member 10,000yen
How Can You Apply Membership?
⑴ Please fill up a membership application form and return the same to us by means of mail or E-mail.
Address:Omori Machizukuri Kaikan, 3370 Omori, Inzai City, Chiba Pref. 270-1327
⑵ Please arrange payment of an annual membership fee to our account at Yucho Bank as follows.
①When you remit at Yucho Bank;
Name of Account: 印西市国際交流協会
Kind of Account: Checking (普通)
Number: 10500 93086401
② When you remit at banks other than Yucho Bank;
Name of Account: 印西市国際交流協会
Kind of Account: Checking (普通)
Code of Branch: 058
Number: 93086401
If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact us at or TEL:070-5519-1661.